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Plentix (REFER). Platform: Ethereum. July 25, 2018. 2 years ago. TraXion (TXN). Platform: Ethereum.

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Plentix’s platform also empowers developers to write their modules for side functionalities. This may include tracking of the number of customers each business has got from Plentix and the channel (ie. Plentix is a decentralized platform based on blockchain, which connects and rewards participating users quickly and efficiently.


We present Plentix, a tokenized platform that enables users to refer other users to a business entity and enables business entities to leverage existing APIs for 


As such, everybody stands to win: the success of the platform is intimately connected to the success of its users, the growth of its token and the value created by the ecosystem. Plentix. Connecting and rewarding participants in online referral programs power by Blockchain Technology. Start Time .


All information about Plentix ICO Plentix is a decentralized blockchain-based platform and application aiming to connect and reward all participants in an online referral program. Jul 19, 2020 · Plentix offers a one-stop shop for business and referrers to centrally create, signup, track referrals and interactions The platform would alleviate wasted time and effort for consumers and, at the same time, creating phenomenal savings for businesses from a people, process and technology standpoint. Jul 01, 2010 · pLVX-Puro Vector Vector Information. Clontech Laboratories, Inc. Protocol No. PT4002-5 2 Version No. PR073568. Use. pLVX-Puro constitutively expresses your gene of interest from Plentix Smart Contracts Development. Contribute to yashartp/Plentix development by creating an account on GitHub.

Accounting bloc Avinoc · Ple Oberflächen Beläge entfernen und nach den notwendigen Erweiterungen Oberflächenentwässerung, Plentix Basis, Binder und Verschleißschichtherstellung  Plentix. Ended. Jul 25th, Aug 8th, 400,000,000, Platform. Basic. EyeGlob.Net.

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Plentix Plentix is a decentralized blockchain-based online referral platform that will connect and reward al See More. CommunitySee All. Plentix is a referral / reward platform which connects and rewards participating users quickly and efficiently - providing businesses and developers with a low  Plentix is a decentralized platform based on blockchain, which connects and rewards participating users quickly and efficiently. Plentix enters the scene with a business model aimed at disrupting online referral programs as we know them.

Decentralised Shared Mobility Platform. Apr '18 - Present (2 years 10 months). Plentix.

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2 years ago. Plentix (REFER). Platform: Ethereum. July 25, 2018. 2 years ago. TraXion (TXN). Platform: Ethereum. August 31, 2018. 2 years ago. Buddy (BUD).

August 31, 2018. 2 years ago. Buddy (BUD). Gabro · Iotw · Codex protocol · Allspark · Tip blockchain · Osa dc · Mib coin · Tanibox · · B21 · Accounting Blockchain. Accounting bloc Avinoc · Ple Plentix designed to facilitate the exchange of digital asset Tokens #Plentix # Cryptocurrency #Blockchain #aidrop #ICO #Ethereum #Bitcoin · #Repple # Altcoin  2 years ago. Plentix (REFER).